videoinformationproducer com SEO 2019 20

09 Nov 2020

a https 3A 2F 2Fvideoinformationproducer com 2Fseo-for-beginners-how-to-rank-in-search 2F a The way that Google can tell if your website if it should trust your website cause again we could toot our own horn all day long And we see this all the time People say best dog groomer in Phoenix Arizona right Like people love to toot their own horn but with Google Nealey Self-proclaimed It needs that authority from other people and that s where backlinks come in And so backlinks are links on other websites that point back to your website and Google uses this as an indicator to see oh okay this is actually a really good website Other people are talking about it Now with backlinks it s quality over quantity You don t just want to go on the internet and go put your you know go on every comment every YouTube comment like just put your website everywhere cause that s gonna look spammy Google s not gonna like that It wants really high quality the Michael Jordan s if you will What is one thing they can do right now The biggest thing that you can do that will give you so much bang for your buck is to put content on your website especially content that has your keywords To determine those keywords you should probably What are the products and services that you offer or what are the products and services that you want your customers to know about For example using the dog groomer in Phoenix Arizona maybe is there certain types of grooming that you do that you re really well known for Let s say you re the best darn toy poodle groomer this side of the Mississippi laughs Okay You should have a separate page with content on it about that specific service that you offer So that s what I recommend Go make sure your page just has tons of content so that way when users and ultimately Google look at it they know exactly what you re about and then Google will start ranking you All right guys I hope you found this beginner s guide to SEO helpful and that these are actionable things that you can start doing now so that way your customers can start finding your business online If you re gonna get started and you found this helpful let us know in the comments below the number one thing you learned about SEO today Awesome and make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel and if you wanna see these videos first ring that bell But this has been The Journey

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